TQ Introducing Resin and the 2 Types of Resin I've used so far

I've used up my first bottle of UV resin!!! And to think I only started learning & playing around with it from August last year. I've actually tried and tested and made a lot of stuff!

I've made lots of pendants, keychains, rings, bangles, hair sticks and recently my favorite - Custom eye frames. They were fun as the finished creation look really 'commercial-ready'; so I was kind of proud of myself. Though the designs are still very simple and basic. I want to be able to better my skills and elevate to create more sophisticated resin jewelry.

So today I want to talk about the types of resins that I've tried over the past months. I've made a video above to share about the 2 types of resin - Epoxy Resin and UV Resin.

I thought I can use this blog to share a bit about what I had researched about resin. I like to learn something new and try to go deeper where I could whenever I pick up a new hobby or skill. For this new passion that I've found as a result of Covid, I'm really falling in love with resin.

What is Resin?

According to Wikipedia, Resin in polymer chemistry and material science, would be defined as a solid or a highly viscous substance of a plant or synthetic origin that is typically convertible into polymers. Resins are usually mixtures of organic compounds. And resin is not made of plastic, they are different compounds altogether, even though they share many similar qualities in terms of appearance.

The kind of resin we use for craft is commercially-made. I was very surprised to learn about the naturally occurring resins. The beauty of nature indeed. Natural resin is usually found in tree bark, herbal flowers or shurb buds. They secrete resins for their protective benefits in response to injury. (Oh yes!) In fact, the resin protects the plan from insects and pathogens.

When was Resin discovered?

I've read through many different articles & media, natural resin had been discovered as early as the days of ancient Egypt and more extensively in the 1200's AD by the mongols. The Mongols were the first to invent the world's first composite bow, which were bound together with natural pine resin. In fact, other products like turpentine, varnish and lacquer were all products originally derived from natural resin.

It was the start of the 1870's and continuing into the 1930's that the very first synthetically-manufactured resins were created by scientists. There were a few names that surfaced with regards to who created epoxy resin. It is possible that the first epoxy reaction was observed as early as 1891 by a german scientist by the name of Lindmann. However, his full experimental notes didn't quite survive the years. A swiss scientist by the name of Pierre Catan began investigating the idea of the epoxy reaction just before WW2 in the early 1930s and that Shlack, another german scientist, also began their own experimentations in 1933. Dr Sylvan Greenlee is the more recognized creator, he received the patent in 1948 for his work on high-molecular weight epoxy resins. 

When was UV Resin discovered?

UV resin was only developed in 1988! It was developed by 3D Systems, Inc based on the work of inventor Charles Hull. The main usage is still more of as an adhesive where the invention of UV resin allows for faster treatment.

That's all for today. I'll blog more as I study more about this craft & materials.



♡ TheTravelQuintessential ♡


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#TheTravelQuintessential #Workingmom #Resin #HistoryOfResin #EpoxyResin #UVResin #SylvanGreenlee #ResinJewelry #TypesofResin 

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